Friday, September 24, 2010


3-D is a fad I wish would just go away already.

Even the Doctor Doesn't get 3D, and He's a Bloody Time Lord

Disclaimer first, I am not a theater hound, something about the outrageous ticket prices, obnoxious texting teens, and the endless pre-show steers me away.

When I do approach a theater it is a special occasion, something that caught my eye, and that I'd love to see on the big screen. I am not just talking about action extravaganzas, sometimes I really, for some odd reason, will be pulled to the theater to watch romantic comedies or scifi mind-benders.

Tonight I approached the only theater in town with 9.50, a student ID, and my Regal Card in hand.

as I reached the window , a pretty young girl sitting behind the plexi, corperate smile plastered to her face, asked me what movie I'd like to see.

"One for Resident Evil, 2D please."" I asked.

"Oh, I am sorry we dont show the 2D versions of our 3D Movies anymore."


""yeah sorry...I don't know why."

I walked back to my car. With my wealth intact but my respect for regal cinima's greatly diminished.

The reason, which my corporate hourly employee couldn't ponder, that the  movie is only being shown in 3-D is simple. Ticket prices. The adult price of a Ticket to a 2D movie :10 dollars. A 3-d version of the same movie: 13-16 dollars.

I blame James Cameron. The Avatar Craze has spawned a frenzy by producers to produce every film with some element of  is 3D.  While dating my last girlfreind, I attened dispicable me, in 3-D. The effects, where at best amusing, and at times they distracted from the movie. I decided that the effects were too distracting and took my glasses off to enjoy the movie. except, I couldn't, the movie without the glasses was exceptionally low quality. Damned if I do, Damned if i Dont!

Here is a message Hollywood, just because it worked for one movie one time, (a movie by the way based around the gimick of 3-D),  doesnt mean we want it in every single movie. I could careless if I have zombie bits flying at me; I dont need Milla jovovich in 3-D to admire how hot she looks kicking ass. I just want to see my movie.
See....Perfectly good in 2D

So please
Hollywood, make something good and orginal and stop throwing 3-D at your crappy movies in the hopes it will magically make them best sellers. 
Regal: stop being bitches and offer you movies in 2D, or your going to start loosing me as a customer.
and People, stop seeing these three dimensional atrocities, your not helping things. 

I am starting to see why people pirate....
Not this kind of Piracy...

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